Ashsalt - Ashsalt - Page 13


Hello! I am Salt Emmanuel Omenayam Ashibuogwu, but you can call me SALT (that's my real name actually). I am a Christian writer and lover of youths. My passion is to see God's word transform lives. Time management, personal development and purposeful living are my core interests. My goal for writing is not literary or artistic achievement, but to promote spiritual fruitfulness and an irresistible devotion to our purpose for being on this earth. 🌍 I am a certified Raconteur. I also graduated as one of the top three graduands in the first cohort of the De-raconteur Writer's course. I am a graduate of the prestigious University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. A geographer and Urban Planner by profession. I can act different roles in dramas (I hope you are not surprised
 lol, 😂 well that’s a story for another day). I love to teach and mentor youths through His grace; I am also good at marketing. I advertise, write and of course, PRAY! I would love to meet you all as your lives are being touched for the better, but if we never meet, I pray that my writing would impart vision to your heart, while strengthening your foundation in Christ. See you at the top! You are welcome to my world!!!