Written by Emmanuel Salt Ashibuogwu.

Photo Credit: Pixels.
My desire is to be a man of the books, so this year (2018) I set out to read a number of books:
1. The 66 books of the Bible.
2. Two Christian books per month (Spiritual and secular or financial, in short, any book that will aid my personal development).
At the end of the year (2018), here is a breakdown of the books the Lord enabled me to read:
1. The 66 books of the Bible
2. Be the Best, the Very Best by E.A. Adeboye (Completed)
3. Beat the Best and be the Best by D.K. Olukoya (Completed)
4. Understanding Divine Direction by Bishop David Oyedepo (Completed)
5. Guilt struck by Grace Obiyo (Completed)
6. Talitha Cumi, the Candle in the Wind, etc. by Lizzy Oyebola Oyekunle (Completed)
7. Finishing Strong by Steve Farrar (Completed)
8. The Kneeling Christian by the Unknown Christian (Completed sometime in 2010, but reread some parts again this year)
9. Bible Sense for Getting Into Marriage Bishop David Oyedepo (Completed)
10. The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts by Gary Chapman (Completed)
11. 7 Basic Steps to Fasting and Prayer by Bill Bright (Completed)
12. 50 Days for an Enduring Vision by Rick Joyner (Completed)
13. Raising Agents of Transformation by Gbile Akanni (Not Completed)
14. Leadership: The Perfect Picture by Pastor W.F. Kunuyi (Not Completed)
15. The Oath by Frank Peretti (Not Completed)
16. The Visitation by Frank Peretti (Not Completed)
17. Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale (Not Completed)
18. The House by Frank Peretti (Not Completed)
19. How to ruin your life by 30 by Steve Farrar (Not Completed)
20. Before You Say I Do by H. Norman Wright and Wes Roberts (Not Completed)
21. Bible Sense for A Glorious Home by Bishop David Oyedepo (Not completed)
22. Finding God’s Will by Zac Poonen (Not Completed)
23. Boy Meets Girl by Joshua Harris (Not Completed)
24. I Kissed Dating Goodbye by Joshua Harris (Not Completed)
25. Things I Wish I’d Known Before We Got Married by Gary D. Chapman (Not Completed)
26. Becoming A Leader by Myles Munroe (Not Completed)
27. Better Than Good by Zig Ziglar (Not Completed)
28. What do you do with your time by Sunday Adelaja (Not Completed)

Photo Credit: Pixels.
You know, sometimes, there are books that come our way and leave an indelible impact in ways we never could first have imagined, I remember picking up this book (AN ENDURING VISION: A 50-DAY JOURNEY. By Rick Joyner) sometime in early January or February 2017, and stopping on Day 5 or 6, it was so frustrating then, I just couldn’t make a headway. You know, I actually started reading it as a Challenge with my bosom friend – Seyi Suulola.
Eventually, we had to call it a ‘quit’, due to the fact that we could not keep the pace. But by God’s grace, sometime in June this year, we got the fire again – the race to a 50 Day journey for an ENDURING VISION, so we set the date – July 1st 2018. In short, it took us 62 days to finish the 50 – Day book, but despite our sloppiness, I can share some nuggets the Holy Spirit allowed to stick in my heart and soul, which I doubt would ever leave me forever!
Here are some:
Exodus 16:4
“Then the Lord said to Moses, “Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go out and gather a day’s portion every day, that I may test them, whether or not they will walk in my instruction.”
You know what! This is Baba God talking, He said He would give the sons of Israel a rate ‘everyday’ why? to ‘TEST’ them… to see if they would walk in His ways… this got me thinking, if I am ever going to amount to anything in the spirit realm, then I must be willing to pass this test daily – what is that? Waking up first thing in the morning to say, “Baba God, here am I before Your presence this morning, humbly seeking for my daily bread”
Other lessons, which eventually came in form of decisions I made include the following:
1) No one in any congregation I decide to fellowship with will die as a result of sickness or accident.
2) I (and my church family) will grow in authority over disease so that no one even gets sick.
3) I will grow in this authority so that, when I enter a place, the devils cry out and leave and sickness flees.
4) I will grow in faith (Hebrews 11:6)
5) I will grow in love (1 Corinthians 13)
6) I will pursue things that make up for peace and build up others
7) I will stand boldly for the truth of the resurrection until it becomes a central theme of the apostolic gospel in my generation once again.
8) I will live such an irresistible life such that Jesus only wants to come to take me with Him.
9) I will live a life of integrity (wholeness).
So, what books have you read this year? Please share with me in the comments section.
I challenge you to join me in finishing the 66 books of the Bible in 3 years. Even though I’ve finished reading the Bible 8 times, I still feel like a learner whenever I am reading the Bible. Kindly chat me up if you are interested in joining me in this 3 –year plan, I’d call it the Bible-Reading Challenge, starting from January 1, 2019 – December 31, 2021.

Photo Credit: Pixels.
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