No Enemy Can Stand Against The Redeemed - Ashsalt

No Enemy Can Stand Against The Redeemed

By DLBC Choir

I strongly believe that God is raising an endtime church that will stand for truth and righteousness, no matter how evil the world is going to turn into.

Enjoy the lyrics of this song, as they are a sure word of prophecy about this endtime Church.

1. God is building up a glorious church,

Who will stand for truth and righteousness,
preach the gospel full and free to all,telling all about his love.
They have power over evil, purified and sanctified.
No enemy can stand against the redeemed,
O Lord build Your Church. Lord build Your Church.

As your children we are gathered, unto heaven we are looking.
Humbly kneeling at the cross, we ask you O Lord, to come build Your church.
Gates of hell will not prevail, ‘cos the church is marching onward.
No enemy can stand against the redeemed, O Lord build your church.

2. God is building up an end time Church,
Marching onward to the promised land.
They are members of the glorious church,
Bought by Jesus’ precious blood.
They have power over evil, purified and sanctified.
No enemy can stand against the redeemed,
O Lord build Your Church.
Lord build Your Church.

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