Click here for the maiden edition of the Weekend Corner
Have you ever heard of Ray Boltz before?
One of the genuine gospel singers who has eventually become a gay singer!
This week, I’d share with you the lyrics of one of his songs as it is my theme song for the week – summarising some of the things I learnt this week, and then we’d share the lessons gained from our personal lives this week in the comments section… 😄
The title of the song is Heaven is counting on you by Ray Boltz and Steve Millikan (Thank God for Gift Omoruyi who gave me this song, sometime last year). God bless you Gift. 😘
Heaven is counting on you
Run with a heart that is true
Carry the cross, reaching the lost
Heaven is counting you!
We are standing at the end of time
We are part of a grand design
We are grateful to the risen Lord
For the others who have gone on before
I hear voices in the heavenlies
They are calling to you and me
Saying rise up
There is a world you can win
I hear them saying again
Heaven is counting on you
Run with a heart that is true
Carry the cross, reaching the lost
Heaven is counting you!
Many suffered
Even gave their lives
For the message of the risen Christ
Now they are watching
Seated high above
Shouting to us as we run
Heaven is counting on you
Run with a heart that is true
Carry the cross, reaching the lost
Heaven is counting you!
There is a race
There is a prize
There is a price to pay
And the saints beyond cheer us on today!
Heaven is counting on you
Run with a heart that is true
Carry the cross, reaching the lost
Heaven is counting you!
Although Ray Boltz is still currently attached with a gay group, you can see how spiritual his songs were, hence I implore you to pray earnestly for him – that God will restore him, for I know that, “once there is life, there is hope”, and most importantly I pray for you – your faith will not fail, you would not compromise, for heaven is counting on you!
So, it’s the weekend corner again, what have you learnt this week?
Once it’s 8pm, you are free to share with us your story.😃
See you at the top!
Thanks for reminding me of this song. Ray Boltz’s songs have really great and inspiring lyrics.
May God restore him back.
Kudos Emmanuel
You’re most welcome sisterly 😍
I tell you!
Amen and Amen!
Thanks sis… This song is always on my heart.
Heaven is counting on you! 🙏
And Philip ran…
– Acts 8:30
This particular verse caught my attention so much, because it talks about spontaneous obedience, I mean Philip had opportunity to limit his obedience to the Lord because he was supposed to be tired from the series of crusades he had just been to, in the city of Samaria, but instead of giving in to the flesh, he obeyed the spirit and ran to join the Ethiopian Eunuch’s chariot…
Many times, when as a blogger I’m extremely tired of blogging, I mean practically tired, I remind myself that I’m not into blogging just because I want to be a blogger, but because the Lord has called me to blog for His glory and to impart lives for His praise, hence I RUN, like my senior brother Philip, even when I’m tired, in short you can say:
“And Salt ran… ”
So basically, that’s one major lesson I gained this week, obey the Lord even when you are tired 😴.
If as a blogger, you don’t feel like blogging at the time you set aside to blog, or the time the Lord has laid it on your heart to blog, just blog anyway and rejoice in the process, for I tell you the truth, as you continue in obedience, the feeling would come… Never wait for feeling before you obey God, rather obey God, and the feeling will come thereafter…
Hmmm! Thanks for this. “And Debbie ran”
You’re welcome…
Yes, and Debbie Ran…
Amen and you too sis
Well, I don’t think I have ever heard of Ray Boltz but those lyrics are really inspiring. Thanks for sharing anyways.
This has been a week filled with inspiration, though I have hardly had time to write, but I will hint you.
Fellowship with the Holy Spirit can not happen when there is corruption around the person. For more please visit you’ll get to read more.
You’re welcome… You can browse more about him on Google… He was more popular before he publicly announced his decision to become a gay singer.
No problem, I’m expecting your hintings ✍️
Yes, kindly click on the link for more.
Thanks for stopping by sis Crown Of Glory.
See you at the top!
Wow! I pray God will bring him back in Jesus name
Amen 🙏
One of the verses that caught my attention this week is
Hebrews 13:6; not the whole verse though.
“The Lord is my helper.”
The sentence has taken hold of my heart in a strong way. And, Holy Spirit has continued to emphasize “The Lord” to me.
The Lord is my helper, not man. He might choose to make a man his instrument; of course, he can use anyone to accomplish his will.
As a human, there is a high tendency to expect a level of responsibility and care from people close to me, from friends, leaders in church and the likes. But, situations in life might occur and it’d seem as though no friend is close; it might stir up in me a feeling of hate because they did not live up my expectation of them.
In such a situation, God is saying, i don’t have to inhabit ills feelings towards them because, “The Lord is my helper” not man.
…The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.”
Because The Lord is my helper and not man, I should not fear what man would do to me.
Man may forget me, they may disregard me and do all sorts of things to me; it should not move me.
“The Lord is my helper.”
Yes, the Lord is my helper…
Men may fail,
Friends may fail,
Family may fail…
But God can never fail!
Yes, God is your helper…
Deep lessons there sis, thanks so much for stopping by!
I will like to start this way,I determine to finish the bible this year but the devil strove with me but by Jesus I conquered him. I took time to study the life of the Israelite in the wilderness and how God was merciful onto them but yet I saw something that I hold on and this is their murmuring and this cause them to died even Aaron the priest and Moses this is the reason of their death. Also for speaking bad things concerning you leaders in the church haaaa my brethren don’t partake in that because God punish Dathan,Abiram and Korah please if you are like that do something now before God will come upon you. Check that in(Numbers 16:28-35). Also I want us to know that God said to you in more than 1000places in the bible that “fear not” so please rely on him just look at Balaam and Balak in (Numbers 22,23,24,25) what God has said concerning you NO power in this earth or under the earth can change it always claim your blessing everyday. Time will not permit me to continue but will advice us to still study about them and see God’s compassion on humanity, yet I cannot forget to share this my friend with you his name his Phinehas who was Zealous for God and because of that God bless him for that (Numbers 25:1-9)
You’ve got a lot of lessons here…
1. Overcoming the devil
2. Warning against murmuring
3. Not speaking against leadership
4. Zealousness in accomplishing God’s will like Phineas.
5. No weapon formed against me shall prosper!
6. “Fear not” litters scriptures well over a thousand times… Waoh! That’s a whole lot! Mhen! I fear not!
7. You overcame the devil in the place of personal bible study… God is your strength bro!
Thanks so much for stopping by…
Wow! My dear brother Stephen, I was led to study the wilderness journey of the Israelites just like you were. I had to start from Exodus, though. Thanks so much for sharing.🙏🏽
There is a race
There is a prize
There is a price to pay…
Hmmmmm…the above lines caught my attention. The race, the race, the race… It’s got an incorruptible, imperishable and undefined prize.
May God really help us to keep running and not lose heart, that we may make it to the end and be a blessing to others too.
Never heard of the singer tho…May God draw Him back to Himself, according to the counsel of His will.
Thanks so much for sharing, bro.
I pray and hope to be able to participate this weekend.🤗😘
The race… I tell you…
Amen and Amen
Oh, really? You can get a lot of information about him on Google…
You’re most welcome sisterly 😍
Something greater is already in the cooker for this weekend.