Have you read “The Devil’s Proposal”, “The Candle in the Wind”, “Talitha Cumi” “Where is the Guy I married”, “The Candle in the Wind”, “Death in the Pot”, “Quirk of Fate”, and that popular message that went viral on social media some time ago “You are Fasting” or the latest of them all “Smallville College”?
If you have not, then you should because those stories are so, I would comment my reserve for now and share this beautiful guest post form the author of all the stories I’ve been talking about!
Enjoy 😘
By: De-Raconteur
From a very young age, one thing I did so well was write. The next was cook!…haha During Maths class, I might look so disinterestingly at the trigonometries and graphs but when the English Language teacher enters the class, I would be the star! When others think summary and and oral parts of the subject are hard, I would get my teacher’s best mark!- effortlessly.
And when I write essays and articles and letters, he would seize my scripts. Those would be read loudly during his class and everyone would scramble for my script later on to know what the magic was.
This gift was realized in me at a very early age. When I was five years thereabout, I would go to my dad’s library, pick some of his books and start ‘writing’ in them. When I look at those books now, I see from where my ‘ministry’ began and would simply smile in gratitude to the Lord.
As I grew, I remember pickinh used chalks from school and hiding them in my bag. At home, I would move to our tankhouse and start writing on it, both the sensible and the gibberish.
Well, my dad read them all whenever we weren’t watching because after some time, He would usually call me close and give me A4 papers and new pens. He would ask me to start writing.
He told me something one day and I will summarise the whole talk in one sentence- Your gift/talent is the crude oil. The training you receive in line with your gift is the refined oil that will help others and fetch you money and a name!
According to him, it is one thing to have a gift/talent. It is another thing to get the gift properly trained (sharpened).
Because of what he said, I was reassured that I had found my path. When I got to JSS3 and with my JSSCE result, the principal insisted I go to the Science Class. I insisted on going to the Arts Class. I knew I would be exposed to details on writing and it was so. I released three story books before moving to SS 1. And before leaving SS3, a novella was released.
I must appreciate my dad today. If not nothing, this great man was a vessel in God’s Hands for me. He saw it, picked it, appreciated it, trimmed it and trained it!
There is a gift in every man! Parents shouldn’t just look away when their children do things. Some of the children do not even know what gifts and talents are. Help them realize the gifts, encourage them and sponsor the training!
How was my writing skills sharpened further? I went to the university to bag two degrees. A B.sc in Mass Communication and a Masters in Journalism. And they are summarily about what? Writing!
Woah!!! Writing is life!
When I look at the books I wrote just with my gifts and talents, though very interesting, I could see so many flaws that might not be glaring to the readers instantly. But with the refining, trainings and trimmings, it only gets better.
Interestingly, I have been invited to teach writing in several places, hence, raconteurs are being reproduced for the Lord everywhere through one raconteur that found herself and sharpened her rough edges! Halleluyah!
The gift which was deposited in me by the Lord, trimmed and sharpened by seasoned trainers and blessed further by the Lord has produced so many great stories for the Lord! Many are on de-raconteur.com
Do you also write and desire to be better at it?
Do you want to learn writing from the scratch?
Do you want to find a lasting solution to your writer’s block?
Do you need refreshing ideas and story lines?
Do you want to know how to create killer titles and resolutions?
Do you want to learn the art of suspense and climax?
Or you want to learn how to write an e-book and publish it?
Do you want to start a blog and you don’t know how to go about it?
Your specialty is article writing, non-fiction, poetry or fiction and you need to be better at it?
Do you have issues with editing and proof-reading and you want to know how to master the art and be a pro?
Do you have a half-written book and your heart burns to see it completed and published?
Why not be a part of the second class of the DE-RACONTEUR WRITERS’ COURSE coming up for two weeks in March?

Oh yes! Come 3rd March to 16th March, 2019, with a well prepared syllabus, lesson notes, audio notes, pictorial explanations, class exams, exercises and project, I will by His Grace be delving into teaching and sharpening those skills in you!
And the good news is this: IT IS AN ONLINE COURSE!!!
Guess what! When you come out of this refined training, you will be like gold! Why? Because God is in this training and your trainer is skilled! You gotta believe that…haha
So, let’s solve the riddle of our title. What apart from the Lord’s Inspiration gives your writing a top-notch feel? What is that ‘magic’? IT’S PROPER TRAINING!

Do you want to be a part of this life changing opportunity?
Simply pay a token of 5000 naira into 0701105202 Access Bank Account (Savings) of Lizzy Oyebola Oyekunle.
If you were a part of the basic class last year and you want to be a part of this advanced class also, you have a discount of 40% meaning that you are to pay a token of 3000 naira to be a part of this class.
Teenagers and students in the secondary school that want to be a part of this class also have a discount of 40%.
Simply pay the amount to the account above and then send the following to 09056404048 on WhatsApp:
Your name
Your age
Your country
An evidence of payment.
NOTE: If you want to be a part of the class but you TRULY do not have the means, contact me via deraconteursite@gmail.com for an interaction.
You want to know about the first class of this writers’ course? Why not follow this link to read up? https://www.de-raconteur.com/2018/09/you-need-to-read-this-blog-post/
Or you want to know more about this course and more about the registration? Follow this link- dwc.de-raconteur.com
De-Raconteur Writers’ Course!
…producing refined raconteurs for the Lord!
See you at the top!